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Celebs React To President Obama's EMOTIONAL Farewell Speech - Where was Sasha?

The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama addressed the nation for the final time last night from his hometown of Chicago and captivated those watching with poise, eloquence, and sincerity. 
He spoke about the many hopes he has for the nation going forward, stressing that we need to uphold laws against discrimination and noted that laws alone won’t be enough, hearts must change. 
He also addressed the fact that people are often quick to criticize and lash out at others when protected by the anonymity of their computer screens. 
And Knowing that many Americans are not necessarily hopeful about the upcoming direction of the country, Obama inspired us all to not sit back and sulk but instead said QUOTE – “If you’re disappointed with your elected officials, grab a clip board, get some signatures and run for office yourself. Show up. Dive In. Stay at it.” 
He also came with receipts of all the progress that has been made over the past 8 years noting that the recession was reversed, America’s auto industry was rebooted, the longest stretch of job creation in history was unleashed, a new chapter was opened up with the Cuban people. Iran’s nuclear weapon’s program was shot down, the mastermind behind 9/11 was extinguished, the right to health insurance was secured for millions, the unemployment rate is at a 10 year low and marriage equality became a reality. 
But one of the most moving moments of the President’s speech was when he spoke directly to his wife, who we know as FLOTUS. 
He then thanked his daughters saying QUOTE - “Of all that I have done in my life, I am most proud to be your dad.” Then it was his BFF’s turn, VP Joe Biden who Obama honored saying QUOTE – “You were the first decision I made as a nominee and it was the best. Not only because you have been a great Vice President but because in the bargain I gained a brother. And we love you and Jill like family and your friendship has been one of the great joys of our lives.”
Needless to say, everyone was in a puddle of tears and took to Twitter to weigh in with the hashtag – farewell Obama. Niall Horan tweeted – “Don't get me started but I'm going to miss the obamas . The nicest family on earth.” Zedd said – “Obama..... you're gonna be missed!” Ellen weighed in saying QUOTE I love you more than I have space on Twitter to describe. Zendaya tweeted a gif of Oprah crying saying - Me watching my president Obama's farewell address tonight...I'm not gonna be able to do it y'all...” Khloe Kardashian simply tweeted Obama with a heart emoji. Stephen King kept it real saying QUOTE - Hope you enjoyed Obama's speech. You won't hear anything so cogent and kind for a long time. So, with complete sincerity: THANKS, OBAMA. Gina Rodriguez quoted Obama saying - Yes we can. Yes we did.” And if you scrolled on instagram last night odds are you were flooded with photos of Obama with people sharing their parting words. Katy Perry shared a photo posed with the President and her grandmother saying QUOTE – “Thank you for your incredible grace in leadership and for being an exceptional example for us all. You've made many who were sleeping, conscious - including myself. I agree with you; we need to burst our bubbles and build real community again, face to face. I am excited to see the generation coming up who as you said, are "Unselfish, altruistic, creative, patriotic and believe in a fair, just, inclusive America."
I cannot wait to see good triumph.” Miley Cyrus said - Thank you !!!! We love you so much! Miss you already!” 
As for us, Obama said that he has high hopes for the youth generation saying QUOTE – “You believe in a fair and just and inclusive America.” And with that being said, he closed with - “I’m asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change, but in yours. Yes we can. Yes we did. Yes we can.” 
I balled like a baby. Thanks Obama, you will be missed. Also side note, in case you were wondering where Sasha Obama was, CBS News confirmed that Sasha stayed behind in DC because she had an exam at school this morning. I want to hear what you guys thought about Obama’s final farewell so sound off in the comment section below and then click right over here for the debate on the most OMG moment of 2016 on Debatable. And hey, don’t forget that Dirty Laundry and Rumor Patrol have moved to Sundays. Thanks for watching Clevver News, I’m your host Drew Dorsey and I’ll see you next time. 

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